[For this] We shall brand him with indelible disgrace
We shall brand him on the nose
Soon shall We brand (the beast) on the snout
We will soon mark his snout.
We will brand him on the snout.
Soon We will brand him on the nose
We will brand him on the nose
We will mark him on the snout!
We shall brand him on the snout!
We shall brand the one over the nose!
We shall brand him on the snout
We will brand him on the snout.
We will brand him on the muzzle
Soon We shall brand him (hot) over the nose
Soon We shall brand him on the snout
We will (brand) him markedly upon the snout
We shall brand him on his nose
We will soon brand him on the snout
- We shall brand such a person with manifest disgrace! ('Branding the snout' alludes to bringing to visible disgrace a person who chooses to live at the subhuman level)
Very soon, We will (burn and) brand his snout
Soon shall We brand (the beast) on the nose
We will brand him upon the snout
We will mark him on the path.
We shall brand him on the snout
Anon We shall brand him on snout
We shall brand him on the muzzle
We will brand him on the snout!
We will brand him on the nose (to mark indelibly his disgrace)
Soon We shall brand him on the snout
We will brand him on the snout
We are going to brand him on the nose.
Soon We will brand them on the nose
We shall soon put a mark on his nose
Soon shall We brand him on his snout
We will mark him on the path
Soon We will brand him on the nose [disgrace him]
We shall soon brand upon his swine like snout.
We will mark his face.
We shall mark him upon his nose
We shall brand him on the snout
We will brand him by fire/mark him on the nose/trunk/snout (usually used for elephants)
“ Pretty soon I (God) will brand him with disgrace
We will soon singe his pig-nose
WE will brand him on the snout
Now We shall brand him on the snout
We will soon brand him on the snout (and stigmatize him with indelible disgrace)
We shall brand him over the nose
We shall brand him upon the muzzle
We will stigmatize him on the nose
We will brand him on the snout
We will brand him on the nostrils
On the nose We will brand him
Soon We shall brand him on the nose.
We shall brand him on the snout.
We will brand him on the snout!
We will soon brand on the snout!
We will brand him on the snout.
We shall brand him on the snout!
We will brand him, upon the snout.
Soon We shall brand him by his nose (he will not be able to overlook the Truth)!
We will brand him on the nose.
We shall impress on him a stigma of infamy and furnish him with a distorted, contemptuous and ugly disproportionate snout
Soon We will brand him on the nose.
Soon shall We brand (the beast) on the snout
We will brand him on the snout
Sanasimuhu AAala alkhurtoomi
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